Doing Business
Contract Opportunities & Awards
Learn About Current & Past Vendors and Contractor Opportunities
current opportunities awarded contracts
Work with us! The TJPA is currently seeking applications for contract opportunities. Click the above links to learn more about current and awarded contracts. Expected issuance dates for upcoming contracts are subject to change.
If you are interested in service opportunities at the transit center or are seeking information about pop-up, permanent leasing, and marketing opportunities at the Transit Center, Click Here.
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Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Programs
TJPA became a grantee of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in 2006. Recipients of funding from FTA must establish a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program under federal regulations to ensure that DBEs have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in contracts. TJPA established its DBE Program in 2006. Our program is race-neutral, meaning that we do not place binding DBE goals on contracts. However, TJPA strongly encourages DBE participation on all contracts.
On July 14, 2022, the TJPA Board of Directors adopted an Anticipated DBE Participation Level of 17% for FTA-assisted contracts spanning over the next three federal fiscal years beginning October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2025.
SBE Program
In 2009, the TJPA Board adopted a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) program as well. Under the SBE Program, TJPA places enforceable SBE goals on contracts as appropriate. Meeting the goal or demonstrating good faith efforts to do so is a condition of contract award.
TJPA accepts certifications from the following programs in its SBE Program:
- State of California Department of General Services (DGS), Procurement Division, Office of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services (OSDS)
- City and County of San Francisco Local/Minority/Woman-Owned Business Enterprise as certified by the Contract Monitoring Division (CMD) of the Office of the City Administrator
- Any state’s Unified Certification Program, including the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP)
Download a DBE/SBE Factsheet with more information about these certifications.
TJPA participates in the Business Outreach Committee (BOC), a working group of San Francisco Bay Area transit and transportation agency staff focused on outreach and assistance to DBEs and other small companies. For information on contract opportunities at the various BOC agencies, read the latest BOC Newsletter.
Contractor/Vendor Forms & Materials
Every contractor, regardless of DBE or SBE participation on a contract, must complete and submit a Progress Payment Report with every invoice. There are additional forms to report payments to subcontractors and contract closeout. Instructions for filling out the forms are provided. If you have any questions, please contact your project manager at the TJPA for assistance.
Vendor Requirements
Every TJPA contractor and vendor must provide the following forms in order to be added to the TJPA Vendor List. Only current vendors and contractors are on the TJPA Vendor List; please do not send requests to be added to the Vendor List if you do not have a current contract with or order from TJPA.
TJPA contractors and vendors wishing to be paid via ACH must fill out
the TJPA ACH Request Form and email it to
TJPA Travel Policy
Contractors billing TJPA for allowable work-related travel must follow the TJPA Travel Policy.